Welcome to the 2024 Maimonides School Invitational Basketball Tournament

About the Tournament in Memory of Gary Singer

The Maimonides School Invitational Basketball Tournament is about much more than basketball. It is an opportunity for students, teachers, families and alumni to coalesce in spirit behind our students. Participants experience a warm, memorable and educational Shabbat with the school community, and it is a model for all on blending intense play on the court with examples of middot including sportsmanship, humility and respect.

With this in mind It is a fitting tribute to have the tournament named after Gary. We are very appreciative of Rebecca and Jeffrey Singer’s sponsorship in honoring Gary’s memory this way. 



At the entrance to the Fox Gymnasium here at Maimonides School stands a heavy bronze plaque. On this time-worn rectangle is a quote from the namesake of our school: “Man should aim to maintain physical health and vigor, in order that his soul may be upright, in a condition to know G-d (De’ot 3:3).”

As every student passes into this gym, whether for recess or for athletic competition, the words of Rambam the physician and Torah giant echo in our minds. In order to be ready to know G-d, we must take care to be physically fit and ready for that experience. Put another way, when we enter the gym we are serving our creator in order to know G-d, because in the words of the Talmud, “This too is Torah, and I need to learn it!’

We are thrilled to once again host our annual men’s and women’s basketball tournament, this year in memory of Gary Singer of blessed memory. Gary loved athletics, both as a player and as a spectator. And Gary also loved family, community, and Jewish ritual practice and tradition. As we come together to play and to compete, to eat and to sleep, to learn and to pray, we come together as a larger community that grows stronger together. That is a true and meaningful testament to Gary’s life, and the true raison d'etre of our tournament here at Maimonides School.

Thank you for joining us in living the words of the Rambam and watching our values as a Jewish community express themselves so profoundly. Thank you for joining our community, and for being a part of something wonderful which is made larger and stronger by your presence.

Rabbi Yaakov Green
Head of School


“Success is not an accident. It’s hard work, perseverance, learning, studying, sacrifice, and most of all, love of what you are doing.” – Chris Paul

Catch the Action Online

Videos of all of this year's games can be found online.  Check out tournament photos on our Facebook site and Instagram.

